Age Extension Specialist areas "What can not use or remove the human body, so it should be kept. As a result, mineral salts (inorganic minerals) are stored and in a certain period will result in hardening of the arteries, stone formation in kidney, ureter, bladder, joint- joints, and by etiologic factor in the occurrence of enlargement of adipose cells (fat cells) ".
Dr. T.C. McDaniel, Director of Professional Affairs, The National Foundation for
There Minerals and Mineral
"These minerals are present in natural water is non-active. The water does not contain enzymes, which are needed by the body which is also the essence of life. Nature has decided to give life to these mineral elements by helping to develop growth and maturity of plants. In times of growth, the roots collect minerals (inorganic) from the ground, and convert minerals into organic elements and absorb / distribute these minerals to the stem, leaves, seeds and flowers and fruit. It is natural if the use of fresh vegetables / raw and fruit juices can provide a network of cells and tissues of the body with food with best quality, in the form of mineral-rich enzymes in micro size. "
The expulsion of toxins in the body, of course, will nourish the body. Until this method often applied to help cure various diseases. These diseases include: asthma, allergies, colds, flu, bronchitis, gout, arthritis, early-stage cancer, insomnia, depression, stress, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary artery blockage, clogged arteries, obesity, sprue, mag , migraine, skin diseases, and drug dependence, nicotine, alcohol, and narcotics.
In addition to reactions such as disease, as long as body detox will give other reactions that are often surprising for beginners. Forms of reaction and when the emergence of these reactions are not the same in faithful people.
How to take a drink / food should not be any hurry. Although the liquid form, water and fruit juice should still be drunk slowly and in small increments only. So, not drunk quickly, especially at a time. Drinking or eating in a hurry can cause some processes to do the body to food, has elapsed. Foods that are not processed properly will decay prematurely. Though food spoilage may only occur in the large intestine before the anus. Early decay usually occurs in the duodenum.
Should not be taking any medications and supplements during their detox. Drugs and supplements however have a toxic element. We recommend that you keep exercising regularly. Quite mild exercise such as walking, jumping rope or jumping on a trampoline small, yoga, tai chi, or Qigong. Sports useful circulation of blood and lymph, and indirectly also launched a process of spending toxins from the body. May perform body treatments such as massages, aromatherapy (O3) and luluran (body scrub or flushing impurities from the skin surface).
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water is the basic need of living beings. When humans, animals and plants short of water, it will die. Anyway, very extensive water damage to life, especially the water to eat and drink. People will be dehydration or disease if the lack of fluids in his body. The problem, current drinking water quality in major cities in Indonesia are still apprehensive.
The test results of water by using elextrolyzer which mimics the process of separating the water in the human body During this PDAM never analyze new compounds of chlorine due to excess it. In fact, the effect could create free radicals. ''So, the emergence of diseases is actually caused by poor drinking water quality,''said Nusa. Even, he added, the element iron, detergents, and other pollutants still found in the water despite the clear and clean appearance.
Government Regulation No. 20/1990 recommend selenium levels that allowed 0.01 mg / l. (Nda/V-1) Source: Media Indonesia Online (22/03/2005)